Thursday, January 08, 2015

Need a Challenge in 2015? Try these Two

It seems that hardly a daypart goes by this time of year when you don’t encounter some sort of “resolution-for-the-new-year” piece.

This isn’t one of those – at least not exactly. 

Instead it’s a two-fold challenge not just for this year but for years to come: “What new things will you learn and how will you contribute to an ‘environment of high expectations’?”

The challenge is different from a resolution in at least two ways:  the camera angle and the ongoing opportunity factor.

Too often the camera angle on a resolution is directed at elimination while we live in a world of creation.  By continually pointing your camera away from subtraction and toward addition – from adding great content on the air to bringing new ideas to help clients – you'll always be thinking about adding value.

Adding value is related to the cultivation of high expectations.  

Successful athletes often point to how they’re continually challenged to be their best by the actions and work ethics of their teammates. You’ve likely been in, or at least heard about, this type of environment. It’s one that's either stimulating or uncomfortable, depending on whether or not your focus is on making valuable contributions.

Way back when I used to write an annual New Year’s piece that was like a pick-and-choose list of “radio resolutions.”  For fun I reviewed that list (which ultimately had grown to 60 ideas) over the holidays and decided that while many were still relevant and valuable, they really were subsets of learning and of cultivating an environment of high expectations. But presenting them as part of a check-off list gave them an unintended “finite” feel.

So here’s one more thought: when you challenge yourself to learn new things and to be a daily contributor to (or perhaps a leader of) an environment of high expectations, instead of subtracting something from a ‘to do’ list, you open the door for an on-going, ever-growing, dare we suggest even unlimited opportunity for positive growth for you and those around you.

Resolutions are effective for some folks I suppose, but I much prefer the process of addition rather than subtraction.