Sunday, February 06, 2011

OPEN WIDE: How To Be Welcoming To Country's Diverse Cume

Country cuts a wide demographic swath attracting roughly equal cume ratings 18-34, 18-49, 25-54 and 35-64. In fact, the cume rating among 18-34s and 18-49s is slightly higher than even 25-54 or 35-64 (Inside Radio/Research Director Inc. PPM Format Norms 2010 Study). 

Run an Audience Composition Report and review how your station’s elements are aligned with your cume distribution goals.

Are these elements and their execution adding or repelling the cume you’re seeking? Are they improving the chances of converting that cume to AQH?

You'll want to look at more, but here are three to get you started:

Music: Strong music from artists outside our 'traditional superstars' is a trend that’s well under-way. “Core” or “Essence” artists are different by demo. How are you managing this?

Services: “What,” “how” and “how frequently” you deliver are equally important. Weigh these against what you know about your audience’s use (or non-use) of services. Are your services (content and execution) aligned with your target cume?

Talent: Content (relevant, unique, engaging, sticky, ‘must hear’) and delivery (execution, efficiency, style and platforms) – are these very or not very likely to attract and engage the cume you’re seeking?

Country is getting great sampling 18-34 and 18-49.

Are you as welcoming as you can be?   

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